Friday, June 15, 2012

Latte' is doing very well...

Here is an email we received from Latte's owners:

Latte is having a great time with all these little hens to take care of.  I think he feels very proud to have a harem so "large"
He seemed to adjust very quickly.
His first night, he went right up onto the roost poles with them.  They have taken a while to get used to him.  :)  He spent the first day doing his little 3 step sideways right next to them.  I think this is a little Intimidation Dance.  They would scoot sideways.  It has been interesting to watch.  Wayne and I go down early in the morning and let them out into their large pen.  We usually watch while we have our coffee.  
In the early evenings around 5 or so, we let them all out to free range a bit.  They stay close to him.  And if one of them strays he chases her down to get her back to the little group.  Everyone seems to be settled in nicely.  
The children at our camps have also been enjoying him.  He is soooo pretty.  They have been digging up worms and putting them through the fence.  He plucks them out of their fingers, very gently.  Nice guy, he is.  There are two or three little boys who do this most of the morning. 
I go into the pen with Latte and his harem.  I have a chair to sit on.  The hens, especially Buffy, Marigold, and Buttercup like to jump/fly up onto my lap for a little petting.  Yesterday, Latte joined them.  He is a bit conflicted about me.  Not sure whether to rush at me or jump onto my lap.  I guess he'll figure it out eventually.
Thanks for such a lovely rooster!!.

Latte crow + Quick Slideshow...

Enjoy this little slideshow with music of latte!


Latte happened to be a ROSTER! Can you believe it! He crowed every morning early and then throughout the whole day! He was beautiful but it is illegal to own a roster. We found some very sweet people to take him in near Hillsborough and he is so happy there. The hens are much different without him and don't stick together when we let them out of the pen. He used to herd them and when one trailed off he got mad and chased them back in. He was a great leader. Now he has 6 hens to herd and take care of. Chipmunk might be the new leader... we will see.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

So funny

Chipmunk is looking right at you! <3 this picture... she is so photogenic :)

The chicken coop...

More pics of the chicks :)

They are just so darn cute! From left there is Chipmunk,Scratch, Pip and Latte <3 Hope you like the names :)


Here are the beautiful chickens in their coop. They are sitting on top of the door.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Here is Latte' he love to be very loud a chirp!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Chickens on the way home!

This is on the way home... the chickens were really small and they all fit in this box!


These are my adorable chickens! I will post more later! The blog hasn't let me get in it for a while... thats why this is so late but i have more! Of all of them... this ones name is chipmunk

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Its coming along slowly (slug pace) but surely :)

We Worked!

We finished the trim and worked on the chicken box... i will post more pics later


Pretty butterfly in front of the clubhousecoop...

Monday, October 31, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

found this picture and i love it...

We are going to start up working on it again soon... get the chicken part finished inside and the fence... put up a door and thats pretty much it!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


We've been really busy this summer and school has kept me busy now. We will get back to it sometime just thought I should share something... I think this picture is really cool

Monday, June 6, 2011


Look at the coop we added gable fields and it looks GREAT.... LOOKS ALMOST THERE :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chicken Idol...




Thursday, April 7, 2011

Side Veiw...

It really looks great! My dad and I are happy with the new change!!!

Getting sidetracked...

The title said it all :)

Measuring the Trim...

The sun was beating down on us... But we got it done and had fun :)

Cedar Shakes...

Isn't it BEAUTIFUL? It really looks great!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

OH MY.....

My dad and I decided it would look really good if we added cedar shakes on the outside... we had some leftover from our house at chocowinity!! It looks great I will post some pictures soon. It really looks like a house. Those chickens will be in heaven...

Sunday, February 20, 2011


We have a lot done. All the windows are in and there is trim around all the windows, door, chicken box, and frame. The loft is framed and it looks great. We are going to get shingles ( Cedar shakes) to put half way down the whole thing. It is going to look great. Scroll down to see all the pictures and remember YOU CAN COMMENT NOW... ANYONE CAN!!! Thanks for your support.

Chicken box!!! YEAH

From the other pictures you can see the chicken box painted and trimmed from the outside!! This is the inside where we will have the chickens hen box where they lay eggs.


This is the loft. My dad worked on it all by himself because I was working on Oddessy of the mind. He did a great gob and put a piece of ply wood on top so I could try it out. This is the frame coming from the side. It feels so cool being so high off the ground and being right next to the window. "This is a short people house" Says my dad who is 6/2" HA HA


This is the side view...


We got all of the windows in!! This is the front! It looks exactly like the picture Doesn't it.


We have been very busy but the few times my dad and I worked on the clubhouse we got a lot done! REMEMBER NOW YOU CAN COMMENT!! Sorry I haven't been updating the blog but now there is a lot of updating to do!!

Monday, November 29, 2010


I will post some pictures later but I need to download them. I have not updated because we haven't worked on it that much but we did this weekend. Look out for posts because there will be some pictures. ANYONE CAN COMMENT NOW, I CHANGED THE SETTINGS. PLEASE COMMENT!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Don't Forget...

Scroll down a little to see all the new pictures I posted bottom to top to go in order. :) thanks


This is a cool picture I took of my dad that I wanted to share

My Dad And I...

My dad had to wear this bandana to protect his face from wood shaving when he was cutting the roof wood. I thought he looked like a bandit so I called him a bandanait ha ha. I decided to put one of too and we made a gun pose with our hands to look like bandanaits... there is the picture...

Here is another picture of Caeley...

Caeley painting...

Caeley helping me paint!!!!!!!

This is Caeley and I painting the sheeting to nail on the clubhousecoop! I was so happy when my dad said we could paint it barn red... By barn red I meant fire engine red of dad thought otherwise... he thought of barn red as redish brown (really its brown to me :) But i guess it will look good when its done ;)

Here are some new posts...

We got the roof framing 95% done. I don't know what else we have to do. I think it looks great and it looks done to me of corse except for the sheeting and shingles or tin. It took a long time to get certain boards up and my mom had to help. It was soo very hard. Well, I have talked enough let me show you the beautiful picture. Well... I haven't downloaded the final picture... of course but I will post some exciting ones.

P.S. By the way my sister, Caeley, was home from collage to help. I was so excited. She got to help me paint!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Roof Pic!

This is the beautiful roof. Lots of work and crazy things happening. Such as: my dad is on the ladder drilling and the ladder falls so he hangs on the the ridge beam and flings his foot to bring the ladder up. That was confusing but it was hilarious and scary at the same time. He looked like a monkey hanging from a tree ;) I will post more pictures later.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Today my dad and I worked on the roof framing we have four more to put up but besides that it looks like a house now I will post pictures later but I just wanted to update you all on that. I will post agin later.
Bye folks

Monday, September 13, 2010

More chicken Facts...YEAH

Chicken Fact #1: A chicken can have 4 or 5 toes on their foot

Chicken Fact #2: It takes 4 pounds of feed to make a dozen eggs

Chicken Fact #3: Americans consume 8 billion chickens a year (VERRRY BADDD) Chickens united we stand Ha Ha

Chicken Fact #4: The latin name for chicken is Gallus Domesticus

Chicken Fact #5: There are over 150 varieties of domestic chickens

That's all for today Folks... Talk to you later

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Chicken Door :)

This is looking out the chicken door that will lead to the run... EXCITING I KNOW :) Yeah... Make sure to scroll down to see the other pictures. Hope you enjoy them. I will keep you updated with everything!! :) :P :D :O Ha Ha


This is from the side... The most difficult wall and the front coming behind it... the other two walls had no window or anything so they were easy.


This is the clubhouse looking from the front... It only has the framing and ridge beam though we (my dad and I) did that much in two and a half days. I am really excited to work on it agin.

Monday, September 6, 2010


The materials arrived Friday morning. My dad and I started the clubhouse early on Saturday and worked all day until dinner I couldn't believe I was finally starting it!!! We worked Sunday until 4:30 and then on Monday. Man it was a lot of work, but fun, and hot... very very hot. It will be a while before we get to work on it agin because we are so busy but I will definitely post pictures later. It was a great experience!!!

Here are some chicken facts for the day:
~A chicken's body temperature normally runs at 102-103 degrees F
~A chicken's heat beats 280-315 times in a minute
~Chickens are not capable of sustained flight
~It takes 24 to 26 hours for a hen to lay an egg
~A chicken takes 21 days to hatch

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Chicken Facts...

Hello guys sorry I haven't been updating I have been very busy. My dad and I are going to work on the final material list right after I finish posting this. When we are done we will send it in and star working when it gets here. Now... Here are some chicken facts.
1. Chicken coop- refers to the entire hen habitat, including a chicken run and a hen house, the chickens play in the chicken run and lay eggs and sleep in the hen house.

2. You need to feen your chickens chicken feed but also greens, fruits, and veggies. They love the variety and it will make their eggs rich and luscious.

3. Vent- the rear end of a chicken through which the eggs and feces are ejected. :)

4. Broody- the desire of a hen to sit and hatcth eggs... they are grumpy

5. Chicken eggs can be many colors such as white, brown, pink/purple, green, and blue.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The chicken coop...

The chicken coop will be under the loft which is 3 feet high. In the picture it shows the roosting area and laying boxes with ladders so the chickens can get up there. Where we can see the coop from inside the clubhouse we are thinking about making it wire so you can see the chickens from inside the clubhouse. Also there will be doors so you can open the coop from inside. There is a door that i will open every morning so that the chickens can go outside and rin around as well as come inside whenever they want.

Right side Elevation....

This is the right side elevation. So if you were on the right side of the clubhouse it would look like this.

Front Elevation...

This is the front elevation and if you were looking at it from the front this is what it would look like. This is definitely the final idea.

Floor plan...

This is the floor plan. If you were looking down on the clubhousecoop this is what it would look like. It shows where the windows are and where the door is.


My dad and I are going to draw more tonight. I will try to post some of the drawings tonight.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Yesterday my dad started drawing the big skech. He drew the floor design, front elevation, and right side elevation. He is going to do more sketches so I am going to wait untill he is finished to post it :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I will probably have my own little business in my neighborhood with all the eggs I'm going to have. From the interesting facts it said one hen will lay about 600 eggs in two years. So that means with 3 chickens 900 eggs in one year. I hope i get people to buy them because if not I will have a lot of eggs. By the way my dad and I are finally going to make the new material list today. When we finish it i will scan it in to show. And maybe get it sent in this week!!! But we have to send it in so that it will arrive when we are here because if not it will sit in our driveway and that's not good. I will post the list later. :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Chicken facts...

The chicken eggs do not have to be refrigerated!!! Also rotten eggs float and fresh eggs sink. A chicken can lay more than 600 eggs in her first two years. Chickens live about eight years, though some keep clucking for twice that long. Chicken manure is a potent fertilizer. Hens lay eggs about every 25 hours. Well I will give you more fun facts later :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


The chickens will have to be fenced in because we have two cats and I do not think they will mesh well together. Though the chickens will have plenty of space. We have a fence in our back yard behind the clubhouse and the chicken run will go along side that. It will be from the clubhouse to the other fence perpendicular to the one behind the clubhouse. As shown in the picture at the beginning of the run it will curve out then curve back in and do the same at the end. It will be a good amount of space for the chickens. I know this is a little confusing but i hope the picture helps. :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The design has changed...

This is the final skech and a little has changed. We are going to have the roof go up on the side so that when your on the loft you can look outside and see the chickens. Otherwise we would not be able to stand up clse to the wall on the loft. Also, my dad got three windows so we can get some light in the clubhousecoop. One will go beside the door, one above the door, and the one beside the loft. My dad and I love the new idea and can't wait to get the materials and start working. Because the design changed so did the material list so we are going to have to make some changes with the materials. I will keep you posted. :)

This is the material list...

This is the material list my dad sent in. It has all the sizes of wood and how many nails we will need. He also did a skech on the side to caculate all the stuff on the list. It is exciding to have the list on its way.

Monday, June 21, 2010

List is sent...

Today my dad sent the material list in so that we could get the estimate price. When the order comes in we will START BUILDING!
Yippie :) I will take pictures of the work in process and post it. It will be hard work but also fun :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Chickens here we come..

So my dad and I just asked the neighbors and they said "YES." So we are getting chickens but we have to build the clubhouse/coop first. I can't wait!!! :)

Lets see...

Today my dad and I are going to check with the neighbors to make sure it's ok if we get chickens. I can't get my hopes up to much because it might not happen. If we do end up getting them we will probably get three... odd numbers are good. We will connect the chicken coop with the clubhouse and the chicken run would go along the fence next to the clubhouse. The clubhouse is 10 by 10 and it will have a loft. Even if the neighbors say no to the chickens we will still build the clubhouse so that is one thing to look forward to :) My dad is an architect so he has been drawing sketches of the clubhouse... or soon to be clubhouse. This is the first sketch he did, the plan has changed but we havent skeched the final.